video – Il giornalista della CNN Jim Boulden intervista l'architetto svedese Hans Eek noto per essere il padre della spinta al cambiamento verso le costruzioni passive nel suo paese.

_Scelto per voi/Video

Il filmato, dal titolo What is a passive home, mostra una casa passiva realizzata dall'architetto Hans Eek in Svezia, per la sorella. Il progettista illustra i principi per la progettazione di edifici passivi: minimizzare le perdite di calore, isolare pavimenti, pareti e tetti con spessori decisamente importanti, curare la captazione di calore naturale durante il giorno, utilizzare uno scambiatore di calore per scaldare l'aria esterna. La proprietaria testimonia come l'abitazione sia piuttosto confortevole e accogliente anche senza alcun sistema di riscaldamento. Il filmato prosegue con una breve panoramica sugli ambienti dello svedese Passive House Center dove i cittadini vengono informati che anche edifici esistenti possono essere convertiti in case passive. In conclusione vengono orgogliosamente mostrate alcune realizzazioni a testimonianza di una concreta fattività laddove in altri paesi europei ancora si discute di teoria.

Hans Eek, Architect and Senior Consultant, Passivhuscentrum, Alingsås, Sweden:
- Passive House principles in renovation of social housing are affordable. Scarica il pdf.
- High performance passive house. Scarica il pdf.

_Scelto per voi/Testi

What is a Passive House?
The Passive House (German: Passivhaus) is a voluntary building standard, that exceeds the present regulations by far. Built according to 
this standard the need for heating will be reduced by 90%. Compared to conventional build, which has an average heating demand of 150kWh/m2a, these homes need only 15kWh/m2a.

- The remaining heating and hot water demand can be covered almost completely by renewable energies.

- Zero Carbon Housing will be.
Continua la lettura dell'articolo

What makes a house go passive?
Passivhaus or Passive (Energy) House is a voluntary industry standard that results in buildings that require little or no energy use for heating or cooling, have excellent internal thermal comfort and low primary energy use.

The standard is achieved by meeting targets for:
- Space heating demand of less than 15 kWh/m2/year
- Maximum heating load of 10 W/m2
- Cooling demand of less than 15 kWh/m2/year
- Primary energy use of less than 120 kWh/m2/year (heating, lighting, domestic hot water, appliances)
- As-built air tightness of less than 0.6 ach-1 @ 50Pa [~1.5m3/(m2h)]
- U-values for opaque elements (walls, ground floor, roof): max. 0.15 W/(m2K)
- U-values for windows (total for frame and glazing): max. 0.8 W/(m2K)
- Construction free of thermal bridging, Psi max.= 0.01 W/(mK)

Compliance with these targets is verified using the Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP2007) throughout the design and construction process. The Passivhaus or Passive Energy House approach is proven to work and is now widespread. Since the first Passive Energy House was built in Germany in 1991 there are now about 20,000 Passive Energy Houses across Europe. In the UK there are several schemes being build or in planning as well. 
Most Passive Energy House buildings are residential dwellings, but there are also schools, offices, sports centres, shopping malls, care homes, fire stations, museums and factories built to this standard. It is also possible to upgrade existing stock to Passive standard. Continua la lettura dell'articolo.

International Passive House Conference 2012
Hanover 4,5 maggio 2012.
Per maggiori informazioni.

Termine del mese

Passive House - A Passive House is a very well-insulated, virtually air-tight building that is primarily heated by passive solar gain and by internal gains from people, electrical equipment, etc. Energy losses are minimized. Any remaining heat demand is provided by an extremely small source. Avoidance of heat gain through shading and window orientation also helps to limit any cooling load, which is similarly minimized. An energy recovery ventilator provides a constant, balanced fresh air supply. The result is an impressive system that not only saves up to 90% of space heating costs, but also provides a uniquely terrific indoor air quality. Per maggiori informazioni.

Dizionario tecnico

furnace  caldaia
 thermal bridge  ponte termico
 heat loss  perdita di calore
 airtight  a tenuta d'aria
 joint  giunto
 heating demand  richiesta di riscaldamento
 pollutants  inquinanti
 heating output requirement  potenza termica richiesta
 household appliances  elettrodomestici
 draughts  correnti d'aria

_Scelto per voi/False friends
Parole inglesi assonanti a parole italiane ma con diverso significato

 Se dici:  attend
 Stai dicendo:  partecipare a, assistere a
 Se vuoi dire:  attendere
 Devi usare:  wait for, hold on (al telefono)
 Se dici:  figure
 Stai dicendo:  cifra, calcolo
 Se vuoi dire:  figura
 Devi usare:  picture, shape

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Hans Eek

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Hans Eek

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