video – Interviste realizzate dallo staff del National Building Museum al "Green team" che ha creato il PNC Place, un edificio ad un isolato di distanza dalla Casa Bianca che punta alla certificazione LEED Platinum.

_Scelto per voi/Video

La progettazione sostenibile richiede un approccio di squadra. Questo include non solo architetti esperti in tematiche Green ma anche, imprese di costruzione, ingegneri, sviluppatori e un cliente impegnato e consapevole che quando l'architetto se ne andrà un'altro gruppo di operatori dovrà continuare ad occuparsi del mantenimento dell'edificio.
Susan Piedmont-Palladino, curatrice del National Building Museum, ha seguito per 12 mesi i lavori per la realizzazione del PNC Place per documentare, con interviste, cosa significa costruire un green building.
Creato con un atto del Congresso nel 1980, il National Building Museum è un istituzione privata, senza scopo di lucro, impegnata a educare il pubblico sull'ambiente costruito e il suo impatto sulle loro vite.

_Scelto per voi/Testo

- On the Way to the Green Museum
11-12 April 2013, Berlin, Germany | Bode-Museum
The term "Green Museum" brings together conservation science with the sustainable development for the preservation of art and cultural heritage. This involves three closely related issues: firstly, the preservation and conservation, i.e. the widest possible extension of life expectancy for our cultural heritage; secondly, the economic and infrastructural conditions for it; and finally the ecological energy and resource issue (energy efficiency, carbon footprint). In the sustainability debate, these three aspects can only be considered and evaluated together. The 'Green Museum' is a museum that embraces the concept of sustainability in its program, its activities and its physical presence.

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MeLa* European Museums in an age of migrations

- ExhibitSEED, sustainable practices for creating exhibits
What is the Green Exhibit Checklist (GEC)?The Green Exhibit Checklist is a tool to evaluate the environmental sustainability of exhibits. The goal of the GEC is to inspire exhibit teams to plan exhibits with environmental considerations in mind. It awards points in 5 key strategies for reducing the environmental impact of exhibit production, plus a sixth category for innovation.
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Scarica dalla colonna sulla destra il file pdf della brochure "Green Exhibit Checklist"

_Termine del mese

Cultural heritage - Cultural Heritage is an expression of the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions and values. As part of human activity Cultural Heritage produces tangible representations of the value systems, beliefs, traditions and lifestyles. As an essential part of culture as a whole, Cultural Heritage, contains these visible and tangible traces form antiquity to the recent past. 
Cultural Heritage can be distinguished in:
- Built Environment (Buildings, Townscapes, Archaeological remains)
- Natural Environment (Rural landscapes, Coasts and shorelines,  Agricultural heritage)
- Artefacts (Books & Documents, Objects, Pictures)

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_Dizionario tecnico

knowledgeable engineers ingegneri esperti
committed client cliente impegnato
scorecard system sistema di valutazione
inquilini, occupanti
vetro ecologico non tossico
waterwall muro d'acqua

Termini tratti da "Inglese per l'Architettura - English for Architecture"

_Scelto per voi/False friends
Parole inglesi assonanti a parole italiane ma con diverso significato

Se dici: pavement
Stai dicendo: marciapiede, lastricato
Se vuoi dire: pavimento
Devi usare: floor
Se dici: spectacle
Stai dicendo: vista, scena
Se vuoi dire: spettacolo
Devi usare: show

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