_Scelto per voi/Video
Costruire in legno mi sembra rappresenti, salvo pochi casi, il riscatto degli architetti meno famosi rispetto alle archistar che ancora stentano ad usare questo materiale nei loro progetti.
Anche nel bel filmato che presentiamo, dove vengono mostrati i vincitori del Wood Design Awards 2014 USA, troviamo edifici innovativi che rappresentano il meglio del design e dell'ingegneria in legno statunitense, non compaiono i nomi più conosciuti.
I progetti selezionati su oltre 140 nomination sono stati valutati sulla base di cinque attributi principali: solidità, bellezza, versatilità, sostenibilità e convenienza economica.
Creatività, innovazione, attenzione ai dettagli, esperienza, apparecchiature e abilità manuali (ma non erano le qualità distintive del design italiano?) erano il mix richiesto per partecipare ad una delle otto categorie del premio: gli edifici multipiano dove il legno è il materiale strutturale dominante, la bellezza del legno negli esterni e negli interni, gli edifici green, commerciali, le scuole, gli edifici istituzionali, l'uso tradizionale del legno e l'ingegneria innovativa per le strutture in legno.
_Scelto per voi/Testi
Woodcube: Is this the healthiest apartment building in the world?
Constructed as part of the International Building Exhibition in Hamburg, Woodcube is a carbon-neutral apartment complex built almost completely with untreated wood and not a drop of glue.
Located all not that far from the biomass-tastic BIQ House, an eight-unit apartment complex billing itself as "probably the healthiest klimaneutalste [climate-neutral] and multi-family house in the world" is now open for tours through November 2013 as part of the International Building Exhibition (IBA)'s Smart Material Houses line-up in Hamburg's Wilhelmsburg quarter.
[…] The entire 16,000-square-foot structure — each of the eight "wellness apartments" measure between 750 to a little over 2,000-square-feet and — is almost completely constructed from carbon-capturing untreated solid wood with the exception of elevator shafts, window casings, the foundation, and certain fixtures (yes, the thrones are still porcelain). Amazingly, simple beech wood dowels were swapped in for glues and adhesives in a "project that demonstrates how the traditional techniques involved in solid wood construction can be re-interpreted in a striking design".
Topped with a photovoltaic array and boasting a heat recovery ventilation system, the high-performance, passivhaus-comparable building's utter dearth of non-renewable, petroleum-based building materials not only renders it fully biodegradable (it was built following Cradle to Cradle principals) but also means superior indoor air-quality for its health-conscious inhabitants considering that there's not an off-gassing substance in sight. […]
Continua la lettura su Mother Nature Network
Scarica dalla colonna sulla destra il file pdf della brochure "Building with wood" e il più vecchio ma ricco di terminologia "Details for conventional wood frame constructions".
_Termine del mese
Cradle to Cradle - A phrase invented by Walter R. Stahel in the 1970s and popularized by William McDonough and Michael Braungart in their 2002 book of the same name. This framework seeks to create production techniques that are not just efficient but are essentially waste free. In cradle to cradle production all material inputs and outputs are seen either as technical or biological nutrients. Technical nutrients can be recycled or reused with no loss of quality and biological nutrients composted or consumed. By contrast cradle to grave refers to a company taking responsibility for the disposal of goods it has produced, but not necessarily putting products' constituent components back into service.
Tratto da
_Dizionario tecnico
untreated wood |
legno non trattato |
wellness | benessere |
topped | sormontato |
array | struttura con pannelli |
heat recovery | recupero di calore |
high-performance | alte prestazioni |
non-renewable | non rinnovabili |
bare solid wood casing | involucro in legno massello naturale |
CLT Cross Laminated Timber | Legno lamellare incrociato (Crosslam o X-Lam) |
GLT Glued Laminated Timber | Legno lamellare (Glulam) |
Termini tratti da "Inglese per l'Architettura - English for Architecture"
_Scelto per voi/Slang
Frasi colloquiali inglesi, la loro traduzione letterale e il loro significato
It's a deal
(è un affare)
Affare fatto
Deal with it
(avere a che fare con esso)
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