Roger Boltshauser Architekten
Dipl. Architekten
Zypressenstrasse 41
CH - 8003 Zürich
Tel.: +41 (0)43 311 19
Fax: +41 (0)43 311 19 40
Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH
A-6824 Schlins
Tel.: +43 (0)55248327
Roger Boltshauser
1964 in Switzerland
Numerous publications in national and
international journals for architecture.
Since 2007 member
of the BSA (Association of Swiss Architects)
Since 2005
lecturer and tutor for design at the "chur institute for architecture"
2004 lecturer and tutor for design at the HTW Chur
1997 -1999 tutor for design at the chair from visiting
professor Peter Merkli at the Federal Institute for
Technology (ETH), Zurich
1996 founding of Boltshauser Architekten, since then
planning and realisation of numerous Projects, mainly
public projects and
1995 awarded with the Willy-Studer-Price for the
best diploma
1991 -1995 Studies of architecture at the
Federal Institute for Technology (ETH), Zurich
1990 -1991
tutor for design at the University for applied science, Luzern
-1990 studies of architecture at the University for applied science,
Martin Rauch
Born 1958
in Schlins, Austria
Numerous lectures in the inland and abroad, diverse
publications and papers in national and international
professional journals
and books about earthen structures.
Since 2002 lecturer ant
the University of Art in Linz,
2005 consultant for the
South - Africa Project of the architecture faculty, Linz.
1999 setting up the company "Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH"
in Schlins, Austria.
Since 1985 design, planning and
realisation of numerous public and private, domestic and international rammed
earth building projects.
1983 dissertation "Loam - Clay
- Earth", awarded from the Federal Ministry of Science and Research
1983 studies at the master class for architecture at Prof.
Wilhelm Holzbauer, Vienna.
1978 studies at the Academy of
Applied Arts, Vienna Master class for ceramics - Professor Maria Bilger-Perz,
Matheo Thun and others.
1974 college for ceramics and stove
construction in Stoob
Over the course of two decades of research in
theory and practice. Martin Rauch has been able to update traditional rammed
earth techniques for a wide range of contemporary building tasks, including both
the monumental and the technically complex.
Due to all his experiences in
different contexts Martin Rauch has become a pioneer in his field, an expert of
international stature, who is sought out as a collaborator by Famous architects
and artists like Herzog & de Meuron, Olafur Eliasson, Vogt landscape
architects and Boltshauser architects.
In his work profound technical
improvement and aesthetic enrichment go hand in hand.
Projects and Awards:
Convention Centre Alpbach (Austria)
Hospital Feldkirch (Austria)
Highway nois barrier -
First prize for
the competiition Austrian Department for building technology
Graveyard St.
Gerold (Austria)
Chapel of Reconsolidation Berlin (Germany)
Zoo Basel
Facory Gugler (Austria)
Winery La Raia (Italy)
Tebogo -
Home for Handicapped Children (Southafrica) - Interantional Energy Globe
Installation at he Biennale Venice with Eliasson Olofur (Italy)
Rauch (Austria)
Competition "low cost housing for Africa" (First Prize)
Pan-African Development
Corporation, Washington D.C. (USA)